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Dog training in Eugene, OR & Online

Teach your dog the basics or get help with behavioral issues with our coaching services. Not sure which service is best for you and your dog? Contact us for a free phone consultation!


Get the support you need in order to reach your goals with a monthly membership. Our memberships are designed to set you and your dog up for success by providing the perfect combination of 1:1 coaching and support between sessions. There is no minimum commitment required and you can cancel anytime!  

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Includes 3 lessons per month


Recommended for new clients! Work hands on with a certifed trainer. Need more sessions? Discounted add-ons available



per month


Online & Hybrid

Includes 3 lessons per month.


Online training is a great way to save money and receive quality dog training information! Online training is perfect for nervous dogs, dogs who display aggression towards humans, and those with busy schedules. Think a combination of in-person and online training might work for you? Inquire about a customized Hybrid membership. 


per month

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Includes an initial 1 hour assessment, weekly 30 minute Zoom sessions, and step by step training plans updated daily. Separation anxiety training is unique, which is why it gets it's own membership! Send us a message to learn more!

Separation Anxiety


per month

online only

What's Included

All memberships include the following perks

Video Analysis

Text Support

Coaching Sessions

Training Plan

Work 1:1 with a certified dog trainer either in-person or online. Coaching sessions are 1 hour long and completely tailored to you and your dog's needs.

 You'll receive a written plan saved in your own digital folder which can be accessed anytime. The plan includes instructions as well as helpful video links and gear recommendations. 

Message your coach any time with questions or updates and receive a response the same day. Ongoing support is our (not so) secret to success. We are here for you every step of the way.

Send your coach progress videos to receive feedback and tips. This is an integral part of online and separation anxiety memberships!

Why Memberships?

Because change doesn't happen within a 1 hour lesson... happens during the time in between. While most traditional programs consist of several 1 hour sessions- the question we want dog owners to ask is not "how many lessons will it take to fix the issue," but rather "how much time should I dedicate to training in order to achieve my goals." 


Our most successful clients share in common their consistency, dedication to the process, and willingness to communicate regularly with their coach. Our memberships set dog people up for success by incorporating those elements into the program itself. 

Other Services

In-Person Coaching 1 hour . . . . . . . . $120
Training Adventure 5 Pack . . . . . . . . $275
Online Coaching 1 hour . . . . . . . . $95

Your coach picks up your dog for a 1 hour outing specifically tailored to advance your training goals. Available only to members or by trainer approval. 

Get More Information

Want to learn more? Let's chat! 

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